Mon-PM: 1:20, Elevation Low: 6449′ High: 7193, Total Gain: 785′ ~ Prescott, AZ
Up and back on Mount Francis with Lisa.

Wed-PM: 0:30, Elevation Low: 5630′ High: 6286′, Total Gain: 652′ ~ Prescott, AZ
Quick lunch run up front side and down back side of Thumb Butte. Very warm day, felt like summer.

Thurs-PM: 1:01, Elevation Low: 6319′ High: 6991′ , Total Gain: 672′ ~ Prescott, AZ
Drove to the top of the Sierra Prieta and ran down and back up the Sierra Prieta Trail. Very warm day around 68F. Felt very strong throughout the entire run.

Sun-PM: 2:30, Elevation Low: 5510′ High: 7230′ , Total Gain: 1720′ ~ Prescott, AZ
Up and back on Granite Mountain. The cloudy warm day made for a perfect run.

Hours: 5h21m
Vert: 3,829′

Great week of some good vertical climbs. Felt 100% back in strength from being sick, but felt a little heavier. I think I got a bit out shape over the past few weeks from the reduced training volume. Going to kick up the training schedule and tighten up the diet with more of a Paleo focus for the next few weeks to get back in running weight :-)

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